Sample in C# for creating Saved Searches

I created a sample console application in C# that uses the PWSearchWrapper.dll assembly that Dave Brumbaugh provides to show a way to create global saved searches (datasource or for a specific work area).

You can get the source code here:

You can get Dave's MostOfDavesClasses  here:

Here's a comment from the source that you should take a look at to set your expectations of what this sample can do:

// PWSearch.CreateSearch() is NOT a full implementation of the features found in either
// "Search Form" or "Search Builder" available in ProjectWise Explorer. You can create
// save searches using those client tools, or with CreateSearch() to create saved
// searches that will never select any documents because the constraints are not
// such that there are never any documents that will meet the constraints.
// However, the tools provided in ProjectWise Explorer limit your choices to much more
// reasonable criteria, while CreateSearch() used by this sample ASSUMES that you, as the 
// caller, are passing reasonable combinations of parameters.  For example, you cannot
// select both "AnyWord" and "WholePhrase" using ProjectWise Explorer, but you can 
// specify both in your call to CreateSearch(), but only documents meeting both the
// AnyWord and the WholePhrase constraint will be returned by your search, which
// effectively is just the ones meeting the WholePhrase constraint!
// Also, it is possible to creates search criteria using CreateSearch() that is valid
// (and works!), but "Search Form" and "Search Builder" don't know how to interpret
// the saved criteria if you load your search into either. In those cases, you will
// see "Unknown criterion" listed in the search dialog.
// Please also note that CreateSearch() does not support the "OR Group" feature found
// in the tools in ProjectWise Explorer.  You can implement all those features as well
// as any of your own "features" yourself using the native ProjectWise SDK APIs.
// Unfortunately, creating saved searches is a relatively complex and tedious task
// as well as requiring you, the developer, to understanding what combinations of
// search criteria are valid.

Please let me know if the samples I am posting are helping you (or not), and feel free to ask for more samples.  I can't promise anything in advance, but I'd like to help as much as I can.
