ProjectWise Design Interation Server C++ addin support?


Does ProjectWise Design Integration Server provides opption for adding C++ addon to monitor the activities? If yes, Is there any sample available to create plugin?



  • Ramnath, I'm not sure what exactly you are asking about.  What "activities" are you interested in?  And by "ProjectWise Design Integration Server", do you mean "with the ProjectWise SDK" or are you asking for a way to have your code actually get called by the ProjectWise Integration Server service, running on a server?

    If you want to monitor activities on the client side, i.e. ProjectWise Explorer, there are samples provided with the ProjectWise SDK.  I would suggesting looking in the documentation for "hooks".

  • Hi Dan,

    Thank you for your reply. Pardon me for I am for not being very clear because I am senior software engineer with C/C++ experience and new to Bentley ProjectWise, as I have also mentioned in another query.

    >> do you mean "with the ProjectWise SDK" or are you asking for a way to have your code actually get called by the ProjectWise Integration Server service, running on a server?
    I mean is there any way to have our code actually get called by the ProjectWise Integration Server service, running on a server. I am able to download the PW Explorer Client SDK and also have the samples build it. But I am especially looking for server side programming. As far as I know from various other documents there are three major modules available.

    1. PW DIS. (Server Side)
    2. PW Administrator. (Server Side)
    3. PW Explorer Client (Client Application).

    For the third option PW Explorer Client SDK is available implemented through hooks. Correct me if I am wrong. Especially I am looking for Server Side plugin/add-on/some monitoring code for PW DIS. This will help me much.

    >> What "activities" are you interested in?

    I am interested in the activities like file upload, download and file transfer etc. related opterations.



  • Perhaps things would be easier for me to understand if you could explain what it is that you are trying to accomplish in more detail?

    Monitoring "activities" sounds "safe enough", but adding custom "plug-ins" that run on the server side sounds like that could "break" some built in functionality that may be troublesome for various existing products that work with ProjectWise.  

  • Thank you Dan for your reply.

    We have client server add-on/plugin architecture where the files from server and clients are communicated or passed as protected and un-protected vice versa. When the clients upload the file it is protected by the clients and sends it to server. Server decrypts it and stores the file. When server transfers the files it will be protected, so that clients will opens protected file (Has it own decryption logic). So with respect to PW Integration Server we need server side component which would monitor and modify file download and upload.

    ProjectWise Explorer Client supports for adding application extensions to the client through the APIs provided by PW SDK. This is from the client side where I have to add the extensions at every client machine.

    What I wanted is, similar to adding an extension to PW Explorer Client, is there any way to add an extension on the server (like Addin/Plugin/Hook that silently sits over the server) to monitor and capture the file transfer between the server and client and vice versa. Why I wanted to do is, I wanted is to perform decryption and encryption.

    How I wanted to perform is, the server stores the document in normal and plan form. When clients request any document, then the server extension should encrypt the document and send it to the client. Similarly when the server receives any document from client, it will be in encrypted form and I wanted to decrypt and save in the server.

    It will be helpful for us if I can an extension or some form of plugin/addin/hook on the server to perform encryption and decryption. Thank you.




  • I'm not a network or security guru, so I'm curious why enabling SSL for your ProjectWise Servers does not work for your needs?  I'm assuming that enabling SSL that the file transfers would also be encrypted.  Is that not the case?

  • Hi Dan, thank you again for your reply.

    We are not worried about the secure transfer of files between server and clients and vice versa. What we mean when we protect and unprotect the document is, we want to apply DLP (Data Loss Protection) in the form of labels and protect the document, so that when client downloads the document, server should label the document with additional information such as rights (VIEW, EDIT, NOPRINT, OWNER etc. besides other information such as watermarking) based on certain criteria. What I mean by client here is, one can download a file using PW Explorer client on the disk to be used later or share to others or Microstation or any CAD desktop application that will download from PW Design Integration Server and allows the user to access the labeled-protected document based on rights. We already have our plugin on client for these applications that will decipher the label information and accordingly access the document. For example when it is labeled with VIEW, the client application won't allow to edit it.

    When client pushes the above protected document, server should decrypt it and store the document so that any other client when trying to download based on the user rights one can access the files which is labeled or protected.



  • Hi Dan, thank you again for your reply.

    We are not worried about the secure transfer of files between server and clients and vice versa. What we mean when we protect and unprotect the document is, we want to apply DLP (Data Loss Protection) in the form of labels and protect the document, so that when client downloads the document, server should label the document with additional information such as rights (VIEW, EDIT, NOPRINT, OWNER etc. besides other information such as watermarking) based on certain criteria. What I mean by client here is, one can download a file using PW Explorer client on the disk to be used later or share to others or Microstation or any CAD desktop application that will download from PW Design Integration Server and allows the user to access the labeled-protected document based on rights. We already have our plugin on client for these applications that will decipher the label information and accordingly access the document. For example when it is labeled with VIEW, the client application won't allow to edit it.

    When client pushes the above protected document, server should decrypt it and store the document so that any other client when trying to download based on the user rights one can access the files which is labeled or protected.



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