How to see relationships in Web API


I just got started with the Web API. The concept of using classes is powerful and flexible but doesn't ease up querying resources like in a "classical" REST API. To help explore the API of the project I am working on, I generated a Postman collection of all available URLs (`{schema}/{class}`). It helps with exploring what data we can query on in that particular project, but I still can't really figure out the relationships between the different classes. 

Is there a way / an endpoint / a metaschema that can be queried in order to know what objects relate to each other? Or must this be figured out through trial-and-error? 

Further, I don't understand what some of the classes are implemented for. e.g. `CheckboxAttributeDefinition` or `OrderedRelationshipsConstraint` that simpy returns 0 instances. What are those for? How can they be queried? 
