[VBA CONNECT] Selecting a File When the DGN extension is Assigned to a Different Application

We have a tool we call our "File Naming Wizard" that is used to create files in and out of ProjectWise. It has a number of features that need the user to select files or folder as part of the process. As such, it has  an ellipsis button for non-ProjectWise browsing and the color ProjectWise button for browsing there. While we must continue to support Ss10 while developing our CONNECT Workspace, the selection dialog box sets the filter using  

DGN_APPID = aaApi_GetFExtensionApplication(StrConv("dgn", vbUnicode))

This does not work, as we have assigned an application for Ss10 the DGN extension. While I can change the extension in the dialog box, it fails to work.

The following code is where the problem appears to be:

If (aaApi_GetDocumentNamePath(SelectedFolderID, SelectedFileID, False, AscW(PATH_SEPARATOR), strFile, MAX_DOC_NAME + 1)) Then
   strFile = StrConv(strFile, vbFromUnicode)
   SelectedFile = StripNullTail(strFile) 'Left(strFile, InStr(1, strFile, vbNullChar) - 1)
   SelectedFile = ""
End If

If I hover over the SelectedFolderID variable, the value is correct. Similarly, if I hover over SelectedFileID, its value is also correct. But the "If" test fails.

I am not the author of the code (who is currently unavailable) so I don't know if the syntax is correct.

Ideally, I'd like the file type to default to a CONNECT Product for this version of the tool. But even if I manually set the type, it fails.

I did manage to get a secondary error, where it complains the file is not valid, but I think its due to the failure to get a valid file name in PW.

Any guidance would be welcome.