Installation and Setup

What do I need to integrate Deliverables Management with a project in my existing ProjectWise Datasource?

You will need to install the PWDM Connector for ProjectWise Explorer.  See the here for details on the latest updates

What versions of ProjectWise Design Integration are supported? (requirements listed are PWDM Update 2

ProjectWise Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer supports the following versions of ProjectWise Explorer:

Additional Requirements If Using ProjectWise Explorer V8i (SELECTseries 4)

In order to associate a project in ProjectWise Explorer, the version of the ProjectWise server that ProjectWise Explorer is connected to must be one of the following:


What ports need to be opened on my firewall?

Addresses and ports that have to be made accessible through firewall in order to be able to use PWDM:

In addition, see the following regarding the firewall requirements for the CONNECTION Client (required when using PWDM Integrated with PW Explorer)

Is there a server side install?

No, nothing needs to be installed on your ProjectWise Integration Server

How do I associate a ProjectWise Design Integration Work Area with a CONNECTED ProjectWise Project?

In a ProjectWise Explorer Work Area, the properties window will have a ProjectWise project tab.  Here you can associate/change/remove a ProjectWise project.