Accepting Invitation

Assume that you have received an email invitation from a user in another organization, to exchange deliverables using ProjectWise Deliverables Management. Here are the steps to get started. 

  1. Go to your email inbox and open the invitation.
  2. Click View invitation.

  3. Your web browser opens and checks your credentials to see if your email address is linked with a Bentley IMS Profile.

    If your profile is found, sign in with your Bentley credentials when prompted and move to step 4.


    If your profile is not found, you are redirected to the Registration page where you can register a new profile.

    a. Fill out the form and click Submit to register your profile. (If your email domain is linked with a registered organization, the Organization field will be filled in automatically. If your email domain is not linked with any registered organization, you will have to fill out the Organization field.)

    If you have an email address from a public email domain (,, etc.) you will not be able to register with this form. See here for more information.

    b. After registering the profile, go back to your email inbox and open the registration confirmation email (it will have the subject, 'Complete Your Registration Process With Bentley'). Click the link in the email and when prompted sign in with your new Bentley credentials.

  4. After signing in, you are redirected to the Accept invitation page, Click "Accept invitation" to start using the service.  

    Optionally, click on the "Advanced options" link:
    1. if you have an existing ProjectWise project that you want to use for collaboration with the inviter,
    2. or if you want to create a new project, but you need to edit project details before accepting the invite.
You are now ready to use the ProjectWise Deliverables Management portal to start exchanging deliverables with project participants from the organization that invited you to this project.