Error - 32768 using IMS credentials to log in PW Explorer & PW Web

Product(s) and Version(s):

Projectwise Design Integration Server:

Projectwise Explorer:



Users unable to login into Projectwise Explorer with IMS credentials post domain migration. They receive error 32768 when trying to login.

Users are also unable to sign in to Projectwise Web & PW Web View.

They receive “unable to sign in with Bentley IMS authentication.”


Trouble shooting steps:


023-03-17 08:23:56,810 ERROR [0x00002678] - BuddiTrustedIssuerResolver.TryResolveTrustedIssuerThroughBuddi: will attempt to resolve trusted issuer through:, for region code: 1.

2023-03-17 08:23:57,726 DEBUG [0x00002678] - BuddiTrustedIssuerResolver.TryGetResultFromBuddi: failed to get deserialized response from buddi. Ex: System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

ERROR [0x00002678] - Error 32768"Failed to get IRelyingPartyIdentifier instance." reported at func: security_stsGetRelyingPartyIdentifier line: 494 


TLS 1.0 is no longer supported with IMS or ProjectWise. Please see the following link for more information

 ProjectWise Security Notification | Bentley Systems

Upgrade ProjectWise Design Integration server to the latest version 

If you cannot upgrade your ProjectWise Design Integration Server installation at this time, use the following steps mentioned in the link above to patch your existing installation so that it will use TLS 1.2. 

See Also

ProjectWise Security Notification | Bentley Systems