Proconcrete Rebar/Concrete Code data not using default data during Rebar Placement


I am working with Prostructures CONNECT Edition Update 3 - Version Operating system Windows 10.

My question/concern is that when I place reinforcing steel into my concrete model several of the items (specifically default lap lengths and default stock lengths) from the Rebar/Concrete Code that I am using (RSIC) are not being used as the initial default for the reinforcing steel, why?

Some screen shots are provided but a little more background is that I am using:

  • RSIC rebar/concrete code
  • Bars were placed using the Rebar Placement Tools - Slab reinforcing and Single Rebarset
  • For both of the Rebar Placement Tools used I had to manually enter the lap lengths and stock lengths in order to get the defaults that I required. These did NOT initially provide these values. Some other values were provided. I am not sure where these were coming from.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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