How To Flatten Paperspace Views Instead Of Using Drawing Flattener [TN]

Version(s):XM Edition, V8i Edition
Area:Detail Center
Subarea:Settings tab
Original AuthorElisa McGraw, Bentley Technical Support Group
Updated By:Vyanktesh Nama, Bentley Technical Support Group


While Drawing Flattener allows for the batch processing of flattened viewports in AutoPLANT Piping, Equipment and ProSteel, ProSteel and ProStructure have a separate tool for flattening in addition to the other functions in the Detail Center. The following is an example of how to use this new feature.


  1. Open ProSteel or ProStructure.
  2. Go to the menu: ProSteel 3D > Shapes...
  3. Insert a new shape.
  4. Go to Prosteel 3D > Positioning > Dialog...
  5. In the "Steel Positioning" tab, select one of the "positioning" button in order to get a positioning number for your shape.
  6. Now go into Paperspace and create a new viewport.
  7. Go to the menu: ProSteel 3D > 2D > Detail Center...

    Note: Detail Center must be loaded in order to use this tool.

  8. Then go to: ProSteel 3D > 2D > Flatten Viewport...
  9. Select the Viewport to be flattened and then a dialog will appear.
  10. Please note that there is no way to create the flattened viewport because the "2D" button is missing.
  11. You must specify a detail style under the "Assignment" tab in order to be able to generate the flattened viewport.
  12. Once that is set, change "Select Types" to "All Parts".
  13. Change "Delivery" to "Paperspace".
  14. Select the "2D" button.

See Also

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