Main Bar Label

Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
Area:Drawing Production
Subarea:2D Rebar Modification
Original Author:Alistair Lobo, Bentley Product Advantage Group


The Main Bar Label dialog is used to define labels using the types and label text settings


1) The bar range detailing process offers three different labeling methods. The Arrow Label used for Section detailing is still available for bar ranges, but two extra methods - Line Label and Delimiter Label - are included to cater for the particular nature of bar range details.

2) The label tool allows one to select the Terminator for the bar annotation from

3) The tool also allows to position the label text with respect to the leader lines as

4) Then in the Label Text section, you can set up the text to be displayed in the annotation. You can build a label from scratch or you can simply select an already defined template from the Presets

5) You can uncheck the Reveal Codes option to review how the final label text would look like

6) Finally, click on the New button and place the label as required

7) After placing the label, you can adjust the label text position but shifting it in incremental offsets using the Move Text buttons

8) To get rid of any label that is placed, one can select the modify rebar tool, select the rebar or label and then in the ‘Main Bar Label’ tool, click on the delete button

See Also