How to create and specify end plate lengths according to the connecting steel element?

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:Steel Connections
 Subarea:End Plate Connection
 Original Author:Kemuel Jancorda, User Success Team


When modeling steel connections,  sizes of End Plates are initially based on the cross-section of the steel elements. This is to accommodate shear connections where bolts are within the steel flanges. However, in some instances, there is a need in extending the steel endplates beyond to promote moment connections or for any other design intentions. 

In this document, we will learn how to make this modification in ProSteel tools in a very simple way.

Steps to Follow

1. Apply the End Plate Connection [ ProSteel > Connections and Objects > Connections ]. 

2. In the Endplates dialog, go to Layout tab. Set the desired Plate Width and Thickness. In the Length option, enter zero (0) value. This will allow users to specify lengths according to the height of connecting steel element.

3. Enter values for Offset top and Offset bottom to modify the length of the end plates. Positive value indicates shortening of plates, while negative value indicates lengthening of plates.

4. For verification, the overall length of the end plates should be the difference of the top and bottom offsets from the steel element height.

Total End Plate Length = Hse - Offsettop - Offsetbot

In this approach, users can create End Plate Connections with extended lengths to meet certain design requirements using ProSteel Connect Edition.