Last Long Sleepers in Connection Editor


Discussion is further to this thread -

In it, I was questioning some of the functionality of the Connection Editor and the LLS location placement, I have come into some additional difficulties when designing simple turnouts with Last Long Sleepers and would appreciate any help.

I have a turnout placed on a straight with zero cant. It is a custom NIR turnout as per the image attached. On the connection editor, I have no sleeper sets, and a free exit straight from the heel of the T/O extending 50m, with a mainline adjacent that is 100m long. Basically this is the simplest I can make my turnout design process.

On the editor, when I choose the Distance to Last Long Sleeper and select input my length to LLS (34m) and click apply and save, this value inputted as 34m, changes to 0. See images attached

Looking into this, I managed to get the LLS distance to work at 19m, which isn’t really of any use to me. I realise that in the previous thread it was noted that my LLS locations were quite large, but that’s just what they need to be in the UK.

Does anyone have any experience of this? Is there a reason why 19m works and 20m doesn’t? Can this be raised as a bug and addressed in a future issue of the software? Any help would be appreciated

