Rails in Cross Section in PRT SS4


I have been recently persuaded to upgrade to PRT SS4, as SS2 does not work on Windows 10 and I am really struggling with the new XSection and Surface tools. Its really frustrating to see tools that have been staples for me for the last 3 years removed or re-located. I know this is meant to be an improvement, and that all I have to do is get used to it, but I am really struggling here so I would appreciate any help. Even if this is advice on how to change my way of thinking if not my workflow. 

My issue is cross sections. I have a signal I need to gauge. It is a smart solid/solid, so should work with the new cross section tools in the corridor modelling, and I am trying to take advantages of the new tools. Unfortunately I cannot show my rails or centrelines in cross section for some reason.

If I want to show my rails in a cross section in SS2, I project rails to a DTM/surface, cut my sections and use update cross section to select the features and view the non triangulated surface features from the surface. The Cross Section point symbology is read from the xin and the running edge and CL are shown as points (a cross in my case). 

I haven't a clue how to show my rails or CL in a cross section in SS4. I have displayed the rails in 3D and cut the sections after bringing my alg alignment into civil geometry in the dgn. But for some reason, I cannot see my rails in cross section. I can see them in the dynamic cross section, but not using create cross section in a separate model view.

My section looks like the below. I have a white cross that is my CL, but its cross section point is not as per my xin. In addition, it is not in the centre of the cross section frame, but offset by 3mm to the right.

Please can any one help

  • First I would like to say that SS2 is working on Windows 10.

    Then SS4 is obviously a little different than SS2. One of the main interest of SS4 is modelling and being able to get any 3D model in cross section. A step to OpenRail Designer that is under development.

    If you want a symbol/cell on cross sections either dynamic or drawing, you need to set the Feature Definition. If you are using "Create Rail in 3D" command, no feature definition is assigned to the lines. So you must use the command to assign the feature definition to rails.

    Then you must check the feature definition assigned to the lines and the cross section setting. it can use the native style or an element template. If you are using an element template than it must includes a point definition where a cell is used, the one you want to display.

  • Sorry @jpln. Was only working on what our IT team have said. Seemingly it is more that PRT SS2 does not work very well with ProjectWise Connect on Windows 10. I know I am getting a Last Error 222 when trying to open files in PRT SS2.

    To understand the workflow in SS4. I am in a 3D file. I have displayed my rails in 3D using the view rails in 3D tool. I then use -General Geometry- Set Feature Definition- to set their feature definition to "Proposed Rails" which I have linked from my .xin using "Link Active Feature Styles"

    Then in corridor tools, I select -Open Cross Section View- I set my CL, offsets, chainage and view I want to open the cross section in.

    This is the point that I have nothing. Nothing is shown. Is there a scale factor that I should be using to see the X point features that I am used to seeing when using SS2?

  • No the workflow looks good. I don't know what can cause the issue. I did it several times and it worked well.