Annotation Tools - ORLD


Have been having a good play with ORLD in recent days - some things better, and some things not quite there yet and definitely a LOT of setting up to do to try and replicate our workflows. I am 100% up to the task but would like to know if the following are either currently implemented or being planned for implementation. If not - would it be possible for them to be considered as part of a future update?

  • Text Favorites for cant alignment (applied cant, applied deficiency, RCD, RCC and VT length) - I cannot see a field for this in the text favorites for plan or profile. This is a big part of both plan and profile annotation in our company, so would really appreciate any clarification or guidance on the way forward on this. 
  • Ability to store existing cant from regression line or points. As far as I can see - converting rails to CL only creates a horizontal regression line, and not an existing cant alignment. Would be good to have this existing captured in the model somehow.
  • Text favorites and annotation for turnouts (name, description, toe point and chainage, IP and Nose points, LLB points and chainage for plan and profile)
  • Network Rail extensions - this is the tool in PRT that does some of the above. I know Richard W. Bradshaw developed or helped develop this for BRT a while ago, but it would be really useful to have tools similar to this implemented to maintain our workflow and the workflows of track designers in the UK - perhaps Paul Bennett can weight in?
  • kivanc - can you help?



  • Hello;

    • We can currently annotate cant in the profile, that is adding a row for cant diagram.Can you share an example of what you need for cant annotation?
    • Existing cant is added both for using in the curvature diagram and in the cant editor for the first update, that is early next month.
    • Turnout annotation is added again to first update. We will be adding more to it for the Q3 update. If you have any example that will be very helpful.
    • We are evaulating local extensions, I will do that also for Network Rail extension. We need to see which parts are still relevant and include the functionality that can benefit to whole community to core product.


  • Kivanc

    To reply to your points in order

    1. Please see image 1 for what I would like to see for cant annotation. Proposed cant is read from one cant alignment, and existing cant is read from another cant alignment with ( and ) as prefix and suffix and a text offset applied. Would like ability to chose which cant alignment the proposed and existing cant is. Would also like to be able to use the tools available in image 1A for cant to annotate in Plan, to produce something similar to Image 1B
    2. Would it be possible for existing cant to be added for profile annotation also - as above
    3. Please see image 3 for turnout annotation. Would it be possible to annotate the following which mostly replicate the SS4 tools.
      • Turnout Name - Text Style and Text Favourite defined for this that reads turnout name. Text is placed about .1 toe point with definable perpendicular and tangential offsets and suffix and prefix definitions
      • Turnout Description - Same as above
      • Turnout Toe point chainage - text favourite reads mainline .1 point chainage/chainage from parent alignment. Place text about toe point with definable perpendicular and tangential offsets and suffix and prefix definitions
      • Turnout Last Long Sleeper cell/point and Chainage. Place text about LLB point with definable perpendicular and tangential offsets and suffix and prefix definitions
      • Turnout Toe/.1 Cell definition - define cell for toe at .1
      • Turnout status - Overlap/in VC/Redefine Cant/Normal as per SS4 tools
      • Turnout shunt points. As per SS4 - very useful to define the Foul and Clearance Points. Placement of Point or cell or both at given separation between track centrelines with definable perpendicular and tangential offsets and suffix and prefix definitions
      • Turnout Cell - placement of full turnout cell that if ticked means all annotation apart from name and description is not placed. Reads from cell library based on variable in turnout feature definition
    4. What I would like to see from Turnout Annotation would be similar to the image 3  produced from NR Extensions with some manual annotation cells placed also. Perhaps the planned update addresses some of these already. Note - most of these this would be for a UK/Network Rail based localisation, however some of the items might be beneficial to a non local release.
      • Turnout Name - Text Style and Text Favourite defined for this that reads turnout name. Text is placed about .1 toe point with definable perpendicular and tangential offsets and suffix and prefix definitions
      • Turnout Description - Same as above
      • Turnout Toe chainage - text favourite reads mainline .1 point chainage/chainage from parent alignment. Place text about toe point with definable perpendicular and tangential offsets and suffix and prefix definitions
      • Turnout Toe/.1 Cell definition - define cell for toe at .1
      • Turnout IP Point Annotation - Element Template/Cell Definition. Will be tricky as this does not correspond to turnout point (.3 or .2) but depends on gauge. Perhaps a setting for defining gauge for turnout or parent alignment that is easily changed. This could tie into the changes you mentioned with regard to setting the cant constant in previous thread  - -----.
      • Turnout Nose (N) Point Annotation - similar to IP, needs to be set tangential distance (or curved distance for contra/similar flex) away from IP depending on turnout crossing type i.e. 16*9.25/1000 = 0.148 for a 1 in 9.25 crossing . Crossing type is not a variable in ORLD Turnout feature definition, but used to be read from "Miscellaneous" line from the SS4 turnout XML, or an alternate built in source, as this was part of the Turnout Annotation "S&C Nose and Crossing" in SS4. Suggest one of two Misc field in turnout feature definitions to address
      • Turnout Crossing Angle - Text Favourite with definable perpendicular and tangential offsets and suffix and prefix definitions. However, as angle resolved at IP is not the same as how we label turnouts angle i.e. Crossing of 1 in 9.25 has angle of 6.18811612 which has a ratio of 9.222973 as opposed to 9.25, this needs to be defined per turnout. Used to be read from "Miscellaneous" line from the SS4 turnout XML. Suggest one of two Misc field in turnout feature definitions to address. See Image 4 for Misc in XML
      • Ability to place dimensions that reference toe and nose points and creates length along main line for turnouts. Similar to "Display between Switch and Crossings" Tools from SS4