Template creation, End conditions


I am facing a problem while creating a template, in my cross section I have a barrier at the both ends which are different types based on depth of Cut ( 4 Types) and height of Fill, and the same level.

for Ex. Fill: Upto 1.5m Type A , 

1.5m to 2m Type B....and in cut also the same

my question is,

How can I apply a different barrier as per the cut/fill height.

I have tried a one type of barrier for 2m Fill,  that barrier height needs to constant, but when Iam  trying to test it, the size of barrier getting decreasing when fill depth below 2m.

could you please help me.



  • You can do that similar to applying different slopes based on depth. Create two end conditions starting from the same point so they will not be created at the same time and will use defined priority. Then create the barriers and use those end conditions as parent for each barrier. Below I created a video that you can see how it is done. I make it quickly so point names are not proper, I strongly advise you to use proper naming while creating your template. End Condition is Infinite option can be used for the last element. You can continue adding more fill elements and cut, same way, again starting from the same point (as fill). Logic is if you have your end conditions start from the same point they will not work at the same time and you should use priority (this is called end condition branching). Also please note that the boxes I created (barriers) do not use the end condition points, so their size does not change.

  • You can do that similar to applying different slopes based on depth. Create two end conditions starting from the same point so they will not be created at the same time and will use defined priority. Then create the barriers and use those end conditions as parent for each barrier. Below I created a video that you can see how it is done. I make it quickly so point names are not proper, I strongly advise you to use proper naming while creating your template. End Condition is Infinite option can be used for the last element. You can continue adding more fill elements and cut, same way, again starting from the same point (as fill). Logic is if you have your end conditions start from the same point they will not work at the same time and you should use priority (this is called end condition branching). Also please note that the boxes I created (barriers) do not use the end condition points, so their size does not change.

  • It looks good, except that if you have height to the surface 1.50m and fluctuating +/- 1cm, you will have changing as zigzag. I think  way is better.

  • I would say that the one from Kivanc allows quick analysis, but at the end user will decide how to manage it because, as you said, it not only a test on a cross section location. You certainly have to place a minimum length of same barrier type. another way is to get both in the template and use display rule + parametric constraint or point control.

    Possible workflow - Using plan sketch of barrier types:

    • do an analysis with Kivanc method to get theoretical barrier type. You don't need all components and features but at least one feature / barrier type you can easily identified in the drawing.
    • Based on this analysis, in the 2D drawing, create a linear geometry with an Horizontal offset per barrier type. You can use any value but using barrier type height could make sense.
    • In the template create a null point at 0 offset from centerline, like BarrierTypePicker
    • create a display rules horizontal distance from centerline to BarrierTypePicker
      • 0<=1.5
      • 1.5<2
      • ...
    • On each barrier type component, apply the corresponding display rule

    Don't apply the display rule on an end condition but on a component that is parent of the end condition, if you need end condition.

    The advantage is to have a plan view of barrier types you can easily change to have dynamic update (OpenRail Designer) of the modelling.

    The alternative is to use parametric constraints. Maybe even easier, but less graphic/dynamic, and more suitable for Rail Track.
    Same principle, but instead of drawing a feature with different offsets to define the barrier type, you set a parametric constraint on the BarrierTypePicker (just add a label for the horizontal offset) and set the value along the track from station to station. The advantage here is to have an easy to read/understand table of what you are applying: the table of parametric constraints you can import/export.