3D Geometry - Apply Linear Template with Cant/Super Elevation (without creating corridor)

I am using Power Rail Track SS10 and the civil tool commands shown below

1)  Import geometry from .alg (do not create civil rules)

2) The centreline geometry is imported (also gets opened in power rail with associated vertical/cant)

3) As a test,  I am using the software default platform edge corridor templates (vector offsets from plane of rail/cant)

When using the template and imported geometry, the resulting 3D linear objects are not created with the correct X&Y platform dimensions as constrained in the template.  In some cases it can be +/-100mm.  The imported geometry has an active vertical profile and cant. The linear template drop cant seem to process the geometry.

Is there any way to create accurate 3d geometry (offset X&Y co-planar to rails) whilst taking into consideration changing design cant/super elevation?
