Where is Centreline Rail to Centreline Rail Distance used within OpenRail?

I understand that the "Inside Rail to Inside Rail Distance" (gauge) is used in cant calculations but I do not know where the "Centreline Rail to Centreline Rail Distance" is used within the software? The help file is not very helpful in this regard (see below).

  • Superelevation, Cant deficiency and Cant excess - (1) Superelevation/cant

    (a) The equilibrium superelevation/cant necessary for any speed is calculated from the formula 

    Where C is cant/superelevation in mm. G is the gauge of track + width of rail head in mm. R is the radius of the curve in metres.

    Here G is called Dynamic Gauge , is used in calculation of Cant

    G is considrered as Rail Center to Rail center Distance, For Standard Gauge (gauge width of 1435mm) it is considrered as 1510, but it varies on the Rail Head width used.

    it is dynamic gauge (G)used in calculation of cant in the above Formula

    The above formula for cant calculation is based on India Standards.


    But some country standards use Gauge width (w) instead of dynamic Gauge (G) in the Empirical Formula for calculation of Cant.




    Thanks & Regards

    Babulal Sahu

    Road & Railway Alignment Designer

    Answer Verified By: Rick Vandoorne 

  • Thank you for the responses. So the centreline-to-centreline distance (or dynamic gauge as referred to above) is used in the cant calculation. Then I assume that the inside rail to inside rail (commonly referred to as gauge) is used simply for placing the rails in the 3D model.

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