Swept envelope experiences

Hi everyone,

I am intrested in your experiences regardin th Swept envelope in Rail Track.

Reading this forum suggest that it works fine and that it has been updated to the SS2 version. Is there any news regarding this in SS3?

I want to use it both i cross sections and in plans to visulaize the swept for a tram. I read in this forum that it is not intended to be used in plan or as a swep path. If I want to show the swept path, what should I use instead?

How accurate can I be when i model with this? All trams that i want to use it has a "U-shaped" front both in vertical and horizontal and I want to be very accurate and have a high density of section to show the curves of the trams, is this possible?

If you have got other inputs then the ones I am asking for, feel free to post them.


Karl Holmström

  • hello,

    this tool is made to create the swept envelop of the rolling stock either in plan and 3D.

    Depending on the standards used to calculate the swept envelop, it should be accurate as far as you can create the right shape and using a small calculation interval.

    I am still waiting feedback from rolling stock constructor to evaluate the swept envelop analysis and its accuracy.

    I have created a shape of the dynamic envelop of the vehicule and I have created the vehicules with the good dimensions. So it should be ok but I need a certifcation from the constructor.

    One of our user in France is using his own peace of software for years to calculate the 2D swept envelop. We still have to investigate and compare the results between the tools.

    Anyway, you can use this tool to create a surface that will include features and components. Then you can use the feature on plan view and components in 3D and Cross Sections.



  • Hi Karl,

    the first thing you should do is to check if you are able to model your tram by using tools provided in Swept Path. I don't think it is possible to model any of modern trams there. Modern trams are not solid one-piece bodies. They rather consist of 3 or even 5 parts connected together with ability to rotate independently. It's not possible in BRT yet.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your respons.

    railab2008: I think it is possible to link togheter up to 3 different vehicles in the envelope swepth analysis tool. It might not have been intended for trams but I think i works.

    Has no one used this tool for modern trams?


  • yes you are right. You can connect up to 3 vehicules. A vehicule is a set of shapes along the length of the vehicule, 2 points for front and rear boggies, 2 points for front and rear articulations.

    Each vehicule can rotate separately to follow the track centerline, profile and cant.

    The vehicules I created are trams. One is a Citadis.

  • Ok, I know what you mean - I agree that in this way we can split a tram as three separate cars, it makes sens. But there are still some problems:

    - what about 5-part tram?

    - what about the fact that all parts have some rotational degree of freedom (about 1 - 2 deg)? They don't necessary have to be parallel to track CL.