Create Rails

This wiki applies to versions 2021R2 ( and 2022R1 (

Rail center Line: Create Rails command is using rail center to rail center distance as defined in the cant. Design File Settings is not used.

Rail Inside Edge (gauge): Create Rails command is applying an offset from rail center line. The offset value comes from Design File Settings. It is the difference between rail to rail center distance and gauge.
The following example will give a value of 0.034= (1.50-1.432) / 2
This value is saved with the Rail Track object but not exposed to user. If rail center to rail center distance, or inside, is wrong you must delete and recreate the rails.

NOTE that if Design File Settings and cant don't have the same rail center to rail center distance, the gauge could be incorrect. If you change the Rail Center to Rail Center distance in the cant, existing rails gauge (Inside to inside) will change accordingly, no matter the Design File Settings at that time.