Read RAM Frame Nodal Reactions With DataAcess

i would like to use DataAccess to pull nodal reactions from a Ram Frame model. I don't see any documented way to do this.  What commands are there to accomplish this?

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  • In case anyone else needs it, here is VBA code I put together to accomplish reading reactions from the RAM model (the RAMInitializeDA is another function to open model etc., but not included here):

    Function RAMGetReactionDA(dbname As String, x_coord As Double, y_coord As Double, z_coord As Double, loadcase As String, FX_FY_FZ_MX_MY_or_MZ As String)
    ' function uses the RAM Data Access routines to read the nodal reactions from frame nodes in a RAM model
    'From the IModel interface, call GetFrameAnalysisNodes to set an INodes interface.
    'Filter the INodes interface for foundation nodes.
    'Then, call the GetAt or GetClosestNode method to set the INode interface for a particular node.
    'The INode interface has a GetReactions method that returns a IMemberForces interface.
    'Finally, use the Get or GetAt methods to set the IMemberForce interface for a particular load case.

    Dim rtrnerr As Integer

    ' data access dims
        'Defining DA variables used in this function
        Dim lStatus As Long
    ' function dims
        Dim coordinatetollerance As Double
        Dim label, size As String
        Dim nodelist As INodes
        Dim reactionnodes As INodes
        Dim requestednode As INode
        Dim nodecoordinate As SCoordinate
        Dim memberforces As IMemberForces
        Dim memberforce As IMemberForce
        Dim loadcasenum As Long
        Dim nodecount As Long
        Dim i As Long
        Dim found As Boolean
        Dim dx As Double
        Dim dy As Double
        Dim dz As Double
        Dim memberforcescount As Long
        Dim loacasenum As Long
        coordinatetollerance = 1
        rtrnerr = 0
        'Open model
        rtrnerr = RAMInitializeDA(dbname)

        If rtrnerr > 0 Then
            RAMGetReactionDA = initializedberror
        'Getting Model info
        Set RAMDataAccIModel = RAMDataAcc.GetDispInterfacePointerByEnum(IModel_INT)
        ' getting lateral nodes
        Set nodelist = RAMDataAccIModel.GetFrameAnalysisNodes()
        ' getting reaction nodes
        nodelist.Filter eRNFilterAtFoundation, 1 ' I'm not sure what second argument is, nothing is specified in documentation
        nodecount = nodelist.GetCount()
        ' finding node with requested coordinates
        i = 0
        found = False
        While Not found And i < nodecount
            Set requestednode = nodelist.GetAt(i) ' zero based
            nodecoordinate = requestednode.sLocation
            dx = Abs(nodecoordinate.dXLoc - x_coord)
            dy = Abs(nodecoordinate.dYLoc - y_coord)
            dz = Abs(nodecoordinate.dZLoc - z_coord)
            If dx < coordinatetollerance And dy < coordinatetollerance And dz < coordinatetollerance Then
                found = True
            End If
            i = i + 1
        loadcasenum = GetLatLoadCaseNumber(loadcase)
        ' determining reactions
        If found And loadcasenum >= 0 Then
            Set memberforces = requestednode.GetReactions
            memberforcescount = memberforces.GetCount()
            If loadcasenum < memberforcescount Then
                Set memberforce = memberforces.GetAt(loadcasenum)
                RAMGetReactionDA = Switch(UCase(FX_FY_FZ_MX_MY_or_MZ) = "FX", memberforce.dShearMajor, _
                                            UCase(FX_FY_FZ_MX_MY_or_MZ) = "FY", memberforce.dShearMinor, _
                                            UCase(FX_FY_FZ_MX_MY_or_MZ) = "FZ", memberforce.dAxial, _
                                            UCase(FX_FY_FZ_MX_MY_or_MZ) = "MXX", memberforce.dMomentMajor, _
                                            UCase(FX_FY_FZ_MX_MY_or_MZ) = "MYY", memberforce.dMomentMinor, _
                                            UCase(FX_FY_FZ_MX_MY_or_MZ) = "MZZ", memberforce.dTorsion)
                If IsNull(RAMGetReactionDA) Then
                    RAMGetReactionDA = "Valid components are: RX, RY, RZ, MXX, MYY, MZZ"
                End If
                RAMGetReactionDA = "Load case not found for node"
            End If
            RAMGetReactionDA = "Node not found"
            If loacasenum < 0 Then RAMGetReactionDA = "Load case not found"
        End If
        End If
    End Function