Stud Count information from RAM Data Access


I'm fairly new at RAM DA and I was wondering how I could get a list of the stud counts for each beam in a model by feeding in the beam label.


  • Check the Ram DataAccess Developer's Guide (pdf).  I think you are looking for GetSteelDesignResult, and GetNumStudsInSegments

    This interface represents the steel beam design results for an individual steel beam.
    GetNumStudsInSegments ([out, retval] DAArray** ppaINumStudsinSegments)
    Gets the collection of stud segments for the steel beam as an array of longs. Use the size of the array to determine the number of stud segments. Each value in the array represents the number of studs in that segment.

  • Thanks, Seth.  I'm also working on retrieving stud counts through RAM Data Access using VBA.  I'm having trouble with the GetNumStudsInSegments method and the simple methods in the DAArray interface such as GetSize.  I noticed that the portion of the code in "DA Model Merge and Move" that retrieves stud counts is commented out with the note that "studs seem to be broken in v14.06.01".   Here's an example of what I'm running into in an otherwise working VBA project:

    Dim ISteelBeamDesignResult As RAMDATAACCESSLib.ISteelBeamDesignResult

    Dim studSegments As RAMDATAACCESSLib.DAArray

    Dim numSegments As Long

    Dim numBeams As Integer

    Set IBeams = IStory.GetBeams
    numBeams = IBeams.GetCount

    For B = 0 To numBeams - 1

               Set IBeam = IBeams.GetAt(B)

               Set ISteelBeamDesignResult = IBeam.GetSteelDesignResult

               Set studSegments = ISteelBeamDesignResult.GetNumStudsInSegments

               numSegments = studSegments.GetSize

    Next ‘Beam in numBeams

    Gives the following compile error for studSegments.GetSize method: "Argument not optional". 

    I'm having similar issues with the .GetAt method.  Do you have any suggestions?  Much appreciated!

  • Take a look at this snippet demonstrating getting and setting studs.

    'How to get studs'

    Dim StudArray As RAMDATAACCESSLib.DAArray

    'Before calling this method, make sure the beam is a valid composite beam
    '1 - steel, smartbeam, or westok material only
    '2 - not lateral
    '3 - was designed as composite

    Set StudArray = IBeam.GetSteelDesignResult.GetNumStudsInSegments

    Dim i As Long
    Dim lStudSegmentCount As Variant
    Dim lSize As Long

    StudArray.GetSize lSize

    'loop through each beam segment with studs and add 1 additional stud to the array
    For i = 0 To lSize - 1

    'This is how you get the stud count on a segment
    StudArray.GetAt i, lStudSegmentCount

    'This is how you change the value of a DAArray
    StudArray.SetAt i, lStudSegmentCount + 1


    'set stud array
    IBeam.GetSteelDesignResult.SetNumStudsInSegments StudArray

    IBeam.EAnalyzeFlag = eAnalyze

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