Hello everybody!

I am simulating an old structure which is constructed with composed sections (UPN180 FR SP 0.38 for same colums and UPN120 FR SP 0.00 for diagonal trusses). But the Staad Output shows the next warning message for this composed sections: "**WARNING-THIS VERSION DOES NOT DESIGN FACE-TO-FACE CHANNEL SECTIONS (MEMBER  12)."

My Staad version is STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition - Version

I have the issue that the STAAD do not aply the check code (EN 1993-1-4:2005) to this sections. Is there any way to apply the check code to this sections?

I tried to verify the max stress in the "Beam combined stresses summary" but is too much big because I have 96 load case combinations and the report do not show a summary for each beam, it shows 96 lines for each beam (I have about 9000 beams in my STAAD model). Is there any way to get a summary of beam stresses that really is a summary?

Next you have the std file:

018-47-EA C03_00.STD

Many thanks for your help in advance!

Fernando Gago

Parents Reply
  • Thanks Sye!!!!

    I had already done what you advise me:

    Regarding the min/max report, you need to choose the option to sort the Beam Stress report based on the Combination Stress. If you sort from high to low, the first row would give you the highest ( positive) value and the last row would give you the lowest (negative ) value for the combined stress.

    The issue is my model has more than 9000 beams and 96 load cases to analyze and the beam stress report shows the results in 13 beam sections. So I have a table with more than 9000x96x13=11232000 rows. Even in the case of getting reports by zones the tables I get is too big. Is too much rough if I want to analyze which beams have more stress than a determined value with such many information. 

    Definitely, my question is about if I can get a report that only shows one max/min for each beam in the worst section for the most unfavorable load case. Is there the possibility to create my own sort of report?

    Many thanks again and excuse my insistence.

    Fernando Gago
