Excel code - StaadPro Connect Edition

Hello everyone,

I've got an excel code that extracts support reactions on a given node. I've been using it and it works well with the old StaadPro Select series. But since after I've migrated to Connect Edition, the codes has stopped working and giving me errors. Can someone check which commands needs to be replaced? Highlighted in red below is what it shows when I try to debug the command. 

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim NoOfNodes As Integer
Dim NoOfLCs As Integer
Dim nodes() As Long
Dim LC() As Long
Dim reactionArray(6) As Double
NoOfNodes = Cells(2, 1)
NoOfLCs = Cells(2, 2)
ReDim nodes(1 To NoOfNodes)
ReDim LC(1 To NoOfLCs)
For i = 1 To NoOfNodes
nodes(i) = Cells(3 + i, 1)
Next i
For i = 1 To NoOfLCs
LC(i) = Cells(3 + i, 2)
Next i
Set objOpenSTAAD = GetObject(, "StaadPro.OpenSTAAD")
For i = 1 To NoOfNodes
For j = 1 To NoOfLCs
Cells(4 + j + (i - 1) * NoOfLCs, 6) = nodes(i)
Cells(4 + j + (i - 1) * NoOfLCs, 7) = LC(j)
objOpenSTAAD.Output.GetSupportReactions nodes(i), LC(j), reactionArray
For k = 1 To 6
Cells(4 + j + (i - 1) * NoOfLCs, 7 + k) = reactionArray(k - 1)
Next k
Next j
Next i

Set objOpenSTAAD = Nothing
End Sub