RAM SS - Modeling Wood Framing on Transfer Slab

Good afternoon Bentley Team,

We are modeling a 4 story wood frame on top of a transfer concrete podium. Though we understand that we are not designing the wood framing in RAM, we would like to accurately model them to obtain the most accurate load transfer onto the slab. In doing so, we are obtaining the following warning for every wood frame wall above the transfer slab. We would like to make sure this warning is due to the fact that the wood frame wall can not be modeled in RAM, but that the gravity loads (and lateral) are correctly transferred to the slab. In designing the slab on Concept, we obviously see the line loads corresponding to the walls, but want to make sure we are not misunderstanding the software's analysis. Attached is the 3D model, and a screenshot of the warnings we are getting. Any input would be appreciated. I have also added a link to the model itself.

Thank you,

Structural Model