
I have modeled the weird shape mat slab that we have in one of our projects. But the reinforcement I am getting is so huge. I mean I have already inputted user reinforcement #6@9"O.C T&B and in addition to that I am getting huge reinforcement. Can you please help me with this? Not sure if this has to do with design strips.

I also wanted to ask about meshing. How much small element can I have? In the above model I have 3'. Does this element size dependent on something?

I have attached the model in drop box link so that you can have a look at it. It didn't let me upload it here since the size was 9MB. Any suggestions for such a complicated slab would be much appreciated.

Dropbox link - www.dropbox.com/.../AAD-7w6-IvmXX6mqcRwCGJNoa


Ankith Patel