Please help, Analytical Model does not create from physical modeler

Hi, I wish you can help me.

I'm starting to use STAAD Pro connect (V22.04.00.40) and I started to create a structure using the physical modeler.

When I created the new physical model, the Physical model opened in a new window, but also, the first window (the one where I created the model) changed to show an empty analytical model. I dind't pay many attention to that and I started to model a mini rack type structure:

Whet I hit the button "Return to Analytical Modeling", the succesful message appears:

Then, when I hit "OK", the physical model windows closes, and the Analitical modeler window (the one created with the physical model in first place) is shown, with the same empty model. In that window I can edit geometry and define nodes, but the mini rack structure isn't anywere!

any ideas of what's happening or what could I be doing wrong?

Thank you in advance!

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