STAAD Foundation Pedestal Design to Eurocode

I am using staad foundation advance to design an isolated foundation with pedestal based on Eurocode. Initially the pedestal main rebar provided were in standard bar size but as the pedestal cross section became larger I started getting unusual rebar like 28T14+52T13. I don't understand what this rebar notation mean.

Parents Reply
  • It seems the 13 and 14 mm bars as well as others like 18, 22, 28 and 36 were added to the program following requests from users in various countries which have adopted the Eurocode but wish to use it with bars over and above the ones listed in the catalogues of reinforcing steel manufacturers in Europe.

    I will find out and let you know if there is currently a way to instruct the program avoid using specific bars. Could you let me know what bars are available for your project or country?
