IS800 Unsupported beam design


I am comparing the STAAD beam design results(Laterally unsupported) and manually calculated results. There is a variation in the values for Sec., Sec. (i) & Sec.  .

Would it be possible to share a example file to see what values STAAD is considering in its equations.(For rolled and welded sections)

I have shared STAAD report Track-2 and excel cals. for your reference.


Parents Reply
  • Please consider the E value as 205000 N/mm2 in the manual calculation as this value is considered in the STAAD from material definition.

    For bending capacity calculation use this formula to calculate Mcr

    Though Load case 1417 has the higher compression value but the moment values are less compared to load case 1419. Program creates thirteen sections along the length of the member and perform design all of the thirteen sections for all considered load cases and the most critical one is reported along with the location and load case number.

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