STAAD Foundation Isolated Footing Area Computation


For footings subjected to an axial load, the footing dimension is determined using the service load combinations: Footing Area = (service axial load) / net allowable bearing capacity. However, with STAAD Foundation, I noticed that the software seems to be doing a different process. I tried looking for the computational process in the manual but it was not detailed. With that, I have some questions:

a) Why does it use the factored load combination for the final dimension (see image)?

b) Can somebody expound on how the software determine the “min. area required from bearing pressure” and “final footing size” (see image)?

c) What is the justification as to why SFA uses a different method in determining the footing area instead of the conventional formula (as described in the first sentence)?

 3056.Isolated Footing - Axial.sfa