Torsional Constant and Polar moment of Inertia

I have a query regarding the Torsional constant being used for solid rectangular sections.

 Does STAAD use polar moment of inertia as Torsional Constant?

If no, could any one clarify as to what formulation STAAD follows for Torsional constant.

As per STAAD's inbuilt help file, IX is reported as torsional constant.

Thank you!

  • Polar Moment of inertia (Ix) in Staad is computed by the St. venant principle Ix = (beta)*b*t^3  where,  "b" is width and "t" depth and "beta" is the variable coefficient depends on the "b/t". As "b/t" approaches infinity, the "beta" becomes 0.333. So, for the I shaped section, the total Ix is determined by the summation of individual Ix of every elements (web, flange).

    For circular section, the Ix is (Iy+Iz).

    Answer Verified By: Vidya Sagar Ronanki 

  • Polar Moment of inertia (Ix) in Staad is computed by the St. venant principle Ix = (beta)*b*t^3  where,  "b" is width and "t" depth and "beta" is the variable coefficient depends on the "b/t". As "b/t" approaches infinity, the "beta" becomes 0.333. So, for the I shaped section, the total Ix is determined by the summation of individual Ix of every elements (web, flange).

    For circular section, the Ix is (Iy+Iz).

    Answer Verified By: Vidya Sagar Ronanki 
