STAAD User Tool: Extract Selected Entity Count

User Tool: Extract Selected Entity Count

Created By : Surojit Ghosh


          This is a visual basic script file created with few OpenSTAAD functions which can extract selected entity information directly in the STAAD interface. If you open any STAAD model, link this code to STAAD and run, then depending on the selected node, member and plate, selected entity number will be displayed on screen.

This User Tool can extract–

  • Selected node count
  • Selected member count
  • Selected plate count


  1. This macro is tested only for STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 version. If this user tool is used in any older version, extracted results might be erroneous.
  2. Before using this user tool, check whether a single STAAD model is opened or not. If multiple STAAD files are opened, then from the first instance of STAAD, selected entity information are extracted.

How to Use:

Step 1: Download the Selected Entity Count_v1.0.vbs file (visual basic script file).  

Step 2: Open a STAAD.Pro model. Recommended STAAD.Pro version CONNECT Edition V22.    

Step 3: In the STAAD interface, click on Utilities ribbon.

Now, you can follow either Step 4 and 5 or Step 6 and 7.

Step 4: Click on Macros tab.

  1. In the Macro window, click on Import.
  2. Browse to the location and select the downloaded file - Selected Entity Count_v1.0.vbs.
  3. You can notice the tool in the window. Close the window.

Step 5: Select any entity in the STAAD.Pro model, open the Macro window once again and double click on the tool name or select and click on Run. Selected entity count will be displayed on screen.

Alternate steps: To add the tool in the User Tool list.

Step 6: Click on Configure.

  1. In the customize user defined tools window, under Menu item, click on New
  2. Specify a suitable name (for example, Selected Entity Count)
  3. Browse the Command field and select the tool - Selected Entity Count_v1.0.vbs.
  4. Apply and close this window.

Step 7: Select any entity in the STAAD model and go to User Tools dropdown list and click on the tools name. Selected entity count will be displayed on screen.

Video Tutorial:

Check the following video tutorial to know more about this code and how to use.

Scripting with STAAD: Create and Access custom User Tools from GUI

Future Scope:

          Though this tool is linked to the first instance of STAAD, but this can be further modified to link with any opened STAAD model. This is an open source tool and you can edit or update it is as per your requirements.

Revision History:

Version 1.0 – Publish date: 13th July 2021.



This macro is not a part of the standard Bentley implementation process and has not gone through the standard QA procedures. This macro has been created by technical team for their own purposes and sharing for the benefit of the Bentley Structural Users. User of this tool should validate the results produced by the macro with their own test cases and responsibility of results produced by this macro does not rest with the technical team.
