Program Crash after Changing Beam Size RAM Frame - Steel Mode

 Applies To 
 Product(s):RAM Frame Analysis
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Analysis
 Defect Number:566269

Problem Description

After changing a beam size in the view/update dialog in RAM Frame - Steel model and returning to RAM Frame - Analysis mode to run the analysis again, the analysis completes but then crashes with the error message below after clicking the OK button to close the Analysis dialog.

After closing the program, the RAM Frame module no longer opens.

The issue is associated with beams with SidePlate connections assigned to them.


Update to the latest version of RAM Structural System.

How to Avoid

Use one of the following to bypass the crash:

  1. Assign the new beam size in RAM Frame - Analysis mode instead of the view/update dialog in RAM Frame.
  2. After changing the beam size in the view/update dialog in RAM Frame - Steel mode, exit RAM Frame and force a reframe of the model using the instructions in the Section "Forcing a Reframe" on the following web page: Forcing a Reframe