RAM Modeler Does Not Start

Applies To
Product(s):RAM Structural System
Version(s):17.00 and greater
Environment: Windows 7 (x64)*
Area: Installation

Problem Description

After installing RAM Structural System version 17 or later and signing into the Bentley Connection Client, the RAM Manager opens and a new file can be started, but RAM Modeler module fails to open for a new or existing file. When clicking the button or menu option the cursor spins briefly, but nothing happens. On some machines the following error may occur for brand new file (Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider): 

Opening an existing file may just spin or given the following error (File already exists...file.db.sdf):


*This problem mostly affect machines running Windows 7 (x64) but may also affect Windows 10 machines.

Other modules like Ram Frame seem to work fine for existing files, but the Modeler does not start or launch.


We believe the problem relates to some incompatibility in the shared Microsoft components included in the Microsoft .NET Framework, SQL Server Compact Edition and/or Visual C++ Redistributables. To solve the problem follow these steps after creating a Windows Restore Point. We are looking into less invasive ways to restore functionality, but Windows 7 will not be supported much longer. 

  1. Close all applications.
  2. Uninstall RAM Structural System.
  3. Uninstall Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 x64.
  4. Uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables from 2015 through 2017.
  5. Reinstall RAM Structural System. The RAM Structural System install process will reinstall the 2 Microsoft programs that were removed in the previous steps.

See Also

[[RAM Manager fails to open on 64-bit OS]]


RAM SS File-Open Troubleshooting [TN]

Ram Modeler license is disabled.