File Based Synchronization workflows

1.    iTwin Services

The iTwin Services sidebar accessible in STAAD, RAM Structural System, RAM Concept and SACS (see Table 1). Allows the engineer to access 2 modes of synchronization, Cloud and File. This article concerns only the File based workflow. See here to see Cloud based synchronization and its associated services.


Table 1 - iTwin Services button in Engineering Applications


iTwin Services

STAAD.Pro Physical Modeler

RAM Structural System

RAM Concept



2.    File based workflows

The traditional 4 ISM operations (Create ISM Repository, New from ISM Repository, Update ISM Repository and Update from ISM Repository) have been simplified into 2 (Push or Pull) and standardized into a sidebar experience across participating applications.

To continue, Ensure File mode is toggled on 

Figure 1 - iTwin Services Sidebar under File Synchronization mode.

(Optionally) review application specific synchronization settings by clicking  .

If not done so already, clicking either Push to File or Pull to file will show the Setup Local Sync dialog. This dialoge designates the File Repository that your model data will be associated to. Subsequent Push/Pull actions will use the selected File repository as reference.

Figure 2- Setup Local Sync Dialogue

A Local file Sync can be setup to point to a New Blank File Repository or and Existing File Repository with data.

Click A – New to Create a new blank repository (*.ism.dgn)

Click B – To Select an Existing repository (*.ism.dgn)

Click C to finalize your selection.
Tip: If you have previously synchronized the model with an ISM repository, then the previous repository is already selected

2.1    Push Model data into a File Repository

1. Click 

2. Follow prompt in Figure 2 to establish Sync. 

3. Click Push, (optionally) toggle off show change management to see expanded dialog 

3.A  Expanded dialoge allows you to enter the commit message, this is a short message that describes the items changed. 

4. If Show Change Management is enabled, preview changes in iTwin Analytical Synchronizer before the changes are commited.

2.2    Pull File Repository data into Model data

1. Click

2. Click Pull (optionally) toggle off show change management.

3. Button expands into status pane 

2.3    Show History

Each sucessful Push to file operation commits a layer of change into the File Repository Click   to view the change history stored in the File Repository.