iTwin Analytical Synchronizer fails to open from RAM Structural System's ribbon menu

Applies To
Product(s):RAM Structural System
Version(s): and higher
Environment: ALL
Area: Installation
Subarea: N/A
Original Author:Payel Sasmal, Bentley Technical Support Group


When i click on ITwin Analytical Synchronizer and iTwin Services on the ribbon menu, it fails to open and on right pane of the Window I could see the message "File not found".


Please go through a clean installation of RAM Structural System.

Clean Installation - RAM Structural System - RAM | STAAD | ADINA Wiki - RAM | STAAD | ADINA - Bentley Communities

In most of the cases, this should resolve the issue,

In some cases, RAMIS.ini file located in "C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Engineering\RAM Structural System\" needs to be updated.

All the file paths under [Directories] must have backslash "\" at the end of them. If it is not there add the "\" at end of each line.