How to create Primary Load Case using OpenSTAAD function (VBA and python)

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: OpenSTAAD
 Subarea: Loading
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description:

How to create Primary Load Case using OpenSTAAD function (VBA and python)


You may use these three functions for the task.

Function 1: CreateNewPrimaryLoad

This function creates primary load case with Load Case Title as the only input. If primary load case is created using this function, Load Type will be “None”.


[Input]  LCTitle:  The load case string title.

[Return Value] Load Case Number

VBA Syntax:

Set objOpenSTAAD = GetObject(, "StaadPro.OpenSTAAD")

Dim LCTitle As String

LCTitle = "LOAD CASE 1" ' Load Case Title

objOpenSTAAD.Load.CreateNewPrimaryLoad LCTitle


Array can be used for variable LCTitle


Function 2: CreateNewPrimaryLoadEx

This function creates primary load case with Load Type and Load Case Title as the input


[Input]  LCTitle:  The load case string title

[Input]  LoadType:           Type of the load

[Return Value] Load Case Number

VBA Syntax:

Set objOpenSTAAD = GetObject(, "StaadPro.OpenSTAAD")

Dim LCTitle As String

Dim LoadType As Long

LCTitle = "LOAD CASE 1"   ' Load Case Title

LoadType = 0 '  Dead Load Type

objOpenSTAAD.Load.CreateNewPrimaryLoadEx LCTitle, LoadType


Array can be used for variable LCTitle and LoadType


Function 3: CreateNewPrimaryLoadEx2

This function creates primary load case with Load Type, Load Case Title and Load Case Number as the input


[Input]  LCTitle:  The load case string title

[Input]  LoadType:           Type of the load

[Input]  LCNo:    The load case number.


VBA Syntax:

Set objOpenSTAAD = GetObject(, "StaadPro.OpenSTAAD")

Dim LCTitle As String

Dim LoadType As Long

Dim LCNo As Long

LCTitle = "LOAD CASE 2"     ' Load Case Title

LoadType = 1 ' Live Load Type

LCNo = 2   ' Load Case Number

objOpenSTAAD.Load.CreateNewPrimaryLoadEx2 LCTitle, LoadType, LCNo


python script:

python output:

Array can be used for variable LCTitle, LoadType and LCNo