Detailing of beams with different depths in RCDC


Applies To
Product(s):STAAD Advanced Concrete Design
Version(s):Connect Edition
Area:Concrete Design
Subarea:Beam design
Original Author:

Ranjana, Bentley Technical Support Group 

Question :

Can RCDC draw the beam with different beam depth, side by side?  After designing these beams in RCDC, these beams are not drawn as continuous beams. What may be the reason? Is there any way to make these beams become continuous in the drawing?



This situation happens when the width of the two beams is different. In this case, the width of the sections varies for the beams. One beam is having 250mm width and the other one is 125m. In such cases RCDC will not detect them as a single beam. If for both the beams width is same i.e. 250mm for both cases then you can get a detailing considering the continuity of the beam as shown below.


If the width is different, RCDC will detect them as separate beams and will detail them as individual beam.