How Lev,top and lev,bottom are calculated for a CBB connection

Applies To
Product(s):RAM Connection
Version(s):Connect Edition
Area: RAM Connection
Subarea: Connection design
Original Author:Abhisek Mandal, Bentley Technical Support Group


In RAM Connection for a CBB connection how Lev,bottom and Lev, top are calculated?

Lev,top and Lev,bot are the top and bottom end distances of the portion of longitudinal weld over the gusset-to-end plate interface. They are calculated using the connection data in the pad and the gusset geometry, like this:

Lev,bot = pfot (in the connection pad) = 11 cm
Lev,top = Lgusset - pfot - sot * (n - 1) = 96.9 - 11 - 12.5 * (7 - 1) = 10.9 cm