Floor loading using Enclosed Zone option

Applies To
Environment: ALL
Area: Modeling Solutions
Subarea: Loading
Original Author:Abhisek Mandal, Bentley Technical Support Group


I have applied a floor load using enclosed zone option. In one of the panel the load is applied in wrong direction. What is the reason?

Enclosed Zone option has been newly added to help users define an enclosed zone where the floor loadings will be applied. While defining an enclosed zone, the program requires the joint-list to specify the boundary nodes. The defined boundary must form one closed polygon. It is recommended not to define joint-list in an order such that the defined outer boundary crosses or intersects with itself. Also the nodes must be selected in either clockwise or counter-clockwise order. Here in the model if you check the order, you will find for the panel where load has been reversed, the selection process is also reversed. For the highlighted one the nodes have been connected in the clockwise direction, whereas in all other panels they are connected in anticlockwise direction.

Hence when same sign is used for all panel loadings, the direction of load on that panel is reversed.
You can go to editor file and manually rearrange the node numbers to make them anti-clockwise or use opposite sign for that panel loading to solve the issue.