How can I renumber nodes, beams, plates, or solids in my model?

Applies To
Area:Modeling Solutions
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

How can I renumber nodes, beams, plates, or solids in my model?

STAAD has a Renumber tool for nodes, beams, plates, and solids.  Each can be found under the Geometry tab as shown below:


The process works the same for nodes/beams/plates/solids and is outlined in the steps below.  *Please note - renumbering is an irreversible process, so it's advisable to save a backup of your model beforehand in case you want to return to its original state. 


1.  Using the appropriate cursor, select the entities you wish to renumber.  

2.  Go to the Geometry tab at the top of the screen and then click on the Renumber button for the type of entity you're working with (shown in above screenshot). 

3.  A warning will appear to inform you that the process is irreversible, all undo/redo records will be lost, and saved views based on previous numbering will be invalidated:

4.  If you've backed up your model and are ready to proceed, click Yes.

5.  A window will appear where you can specify the desired renumbering parameters:

6.  Select the desired sort criteria, then use the arrow button to move them to the right:

7.  Use the up and down arrows to the right of the "Selected Sort Criteria" window to adjust the order of the sort criteria.  This order will determine how the numbering will be performed.  In the above screenshot "Y Coordinate" is first, followed by "X Coordinate" and "Z Coordinate".  This means the renumbering routine will renumber the entities in ascending order based first on the lowest Y coordinate (and increasing from there), then on the lowest X coordinate (and increasing from there), and finally on the lowest Z coordinate (and increasing from there.)  

8.  Enter the desired number in the "Start Numbering From" field.  In the above screenshot this is 1000, meaning that the renumbering will start at 1000 and increase from there.  

9.  Click "Accept" to finalize the process.  

For a video tutorial on the renumbering process please refer to the link below:

Renumber Nodes and Members in the STAAD.Pro Analytical Modeler (