How to get Plate Offset using OpenSTAAD function

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: OpenSTAAD
 Subarea: Property, Plate
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description:

How to get Plate Offset using OpenSTAAD function


Function GetElementGlobalOffset and GetElementLocalOffset can be used to extract Plate Global offset and Plate Local Offset.


SplitBeam: Split a beam into several beams by specified distances

Parameter for function GetElementGlobalOffset:

[Input] plate: The plate number ID

[Input] nPlateNodeIndex: The Node Index at which the offset is to be applied (1/2/3/4)

[Output] fxOffSet: The offset x in coordinate (global)

[Output] fyOffSet: The offset y in coordinate (global)

[Output] fzOffSet: The offset z in coordinate (global)

Parameter for function GetElementLocalOffset:

[Input] plate: The plate number ID

[Input] nPlateNodeIndex: The Node Index at which the offset is to be applied (1/2/3/4)

[Output] fxOffSet: The offset x in coordinate (local)

[Output] fyOffSet: The offset y in coordinate (local)

[Output] fzOffSet: The offset z in coordinate (local)


Sample VBA Syntax for function SplitBeam:

Please refer to the attached .xlsm file