iTwin Analytical Synchronizer

Release Date: 23rd February 2024

Release Name: iTwin Analytical Synchronizer 23.01.04

Release Version:

Notable changes in this release of iTwin Analytical Synchronizer includes the continuing broadening of object types supported for Bentley Infrastructure Cloud as well as improvements in REVIT material mappings. 

Bentley Infrastructure Cloud

Steel Decks and Joists are now fully supported on Bentley Infrastructure Cloud. This enhancement particularly benefits RAM Structural System users.


- Improved default materials mapping for older REVIT families. 

- Previously, shear stud values were inconsistently displayed, requiring rework to reconcile different display formats. They are now consistently displayed with square brackets for both beams with a single shear stud zone and beams with multiple shear stud zones. A comma delimited format is adopted for beams with multiple shear stud zones.

Cloud Synchronization

 Across all host application's in-product cloud synchronization operation, status messaging has been grouped and streamlined. 

File Synchronization

 Added ability to establish subsequent new Sync. 

Once an existing sync is established, select or establish a new sync by clicking on the blue hyperlink:

Previously only the initial "push" provides the New Sync button, whereas now the New sync button is ever present.