Ram Elements - Install Bentley OpenSTAAD OEM error

 Applies To 
 Product(s):RAM Elements
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Import/Export; Installation
 Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group

Error or Warning Message

When attempting to import a STAAD.Pro model, the following error message occurs:

To execute this command it is necessary to install Bentley OpenSTAAD OEM. In the original installation files, please find and run "RAM Elements\External Libraries"


The error message indicates that Bentley OpenSTAADOEM, an optional component is not installed.

How to Avoid

  1. Open the RAM Elements 13.0 installer by running Setup.exe in the following directory:
  2. Click on the link labeled "Install OpenSTAADOEM" under the Additional Components section in the lower right. See the screenshot below for an example.