Create section by specifying Profile Points

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Modeling Solutions
 Subarea: Properties
 Original Author:Surojit Ghosh

What is the procedure to create a user defined section by specifying the co-ordinates? 

In STAAD.Pro, user can specify the coordinates of the corner nodes to create a new section. “Define Profile Points” option, available in “Create User table” can be used to generate the section.

The procedure to create a user defined section with the profile points is mentioned below.

1. Go to Specification > User Table > User Table Manager.

2. Select the section type as General then click OK.

3. Click on the Add button and in the window that appears check the box “Define Profile Points”.

4. Provide the co-ordinates of the section in such an order that the section must be closed; i.e. the start and the end points are same.

5. Provide the section name and click on Calculate Section Properties button to calculate the sectional properties of the section.

6. Save the section.

The section will be available for assignment. Go to General > Property > User Table to add and assign the section.