3D linear features lose their Feature Definitions

I have a problem with feature definitions (FD) and templates which affects badly my 3D model.

Components in templates have FD assigned. It happens that when I open the itl file all symbologies for components are lost. Component still have a festure definition assigned but their colors are lost. I need to reasign FD to get color back.

Similar with points. Template points have FD assigned. I double checked dgnlibs with FD and element templates - that seems to be fine. But when I create corridor all linestrings created from template points are drawn on a Default level. 

Any idea how to deal with that? I was strugling with that few times and did not find any solution.

Please note that when I use the same feature definition to create civil geometry element and assign elevation to it I get a good result in Default=3D model- element is on a level defined in Element Template that is assigned to FD.

