Surface Template material classification

I applied to a terrain model (feature definition sets volume option as:substratum) surface templaters limited with boundries. Feature Definition for templates's components have volume option set to substratum as well.

However, when calculating eatrhworks from cross-sections, surface templates are listed as design surface type in the General Leaf.

Hence I have to change component classification for these components for unsuitable.

Unfortunately cut volume is not reduced by unsuitable material removal. Neither in report nor on cross-section cut area shapes. In fill these removal volumes are not added to fill volume.

Any ideas? I am looking for a way to obsolate unsuitable material by feature option from Inroads SS2 release to include existing pavement, weak ground and topsoil removals. Using unsuitable material by station is not an option.








  • The surface type is what is stored on the terrain and called up on the General Leaf.  The different options for Surface Type are Existing, Design, Substratum, Ignore, or Subgrade.  From the Help:

    Existing type is for the original ground surface as surveyed. This is the default for most newly created surfaces.

    Design type is for the surface that you are designing that you will be comparing against the existing surface for volumes. This is the default type for surfaces created by Roadway Designer.

    Substratum type is the type for existing subsurface layers, such as rock, sand, clay etc. If you select Substrata, the Cross Section symbology from the Advance tab of Surface Properties will be used to control the symbology of substrata shapes produced by End-Area Volumes.

    Ignore means that this surface is not to be used in computing volumes.

    Subgrade type is the type you use to compute end area volumes that have a subgrade surface.

    Then under the Classifications Tab, this is dealing with the material type for the components not the surface type.


    What is the ultimate output you are looking for?  Do you need the volumes reported based on each substrata terrain to the existing terrain to give you a cut/fill volume to each of these terrains as if they are 'layers'?


    For more information about the Road and Site design tools, visit the Road and Site design WIKI at:

  • The surface type is what is stored on the terrain and called up on the General Leaf.  The different options for Surface Type are Existing, Design, Substratum, Ignore, or Subgrade.  From the Help:

    Existing type is for the original ground surface as surveyed. This is the default for most newly created surfaces.

    Design type is for the surface that you are designing that you will be comparing against the existing surface for volumes. This is the default type for surfaces created by Roadway Designer.

    Substratum type is the type for existing subsurface layers, such as rock, sand, clay etc. If you select Substrata, the Cross Section symbology from the Advance tab of Surface Properties will be used to control the symbology of substrata shapes produced by End-Area Volumes.

    Ignore means that this surface is not to be used in computing volumes.

    Subgrade type is the type you use to compute end area volumes that have a subgrade surface.

    Then under the Classifications Tab, this is dealing with the material type for the components not the surface type.


    What is the ultimate output you are looking for?  Do you need the volumes reported based on each substrata terrain to the existing terrain to give you a cut/fill volume to each of these terrains as if they are 'layers'?


    For more information about the Road and Site design tools, visit the Road and Site design WIKI at:
