Surface Template material classification

I applied to a terrain model (feature definition sets volume option as:substratum) surface templaters limited with boundries. Feature Definition for templates's components have volume option set to substratum as well.

However, when calculating eatrhworks from cross-sections, surface templates are listed as design surface type in the General Leaf.

Hence I have to change component classification for these components for unsuitable.

Unfortunately cut volume is not reduced by unsuitable material removal. Neither in report nor on cross-section cut area shapes. In fill these removal volumes are not added to fill volume.

Any ideas? I am looking for a way to obsolate unsuitable material by feature option from Inroads SS2 release to include existing pavement, weak ground and topsoil removals. Using unsuitable material by station is not an option.








Parents Reply
  • 1.  I noticed you have a Soil_Exchange and a Soil_Exchange Surface Template listed as terrains.  Is the Soil_Exchange Surface Template a terrain generated from the corridor terrain mesh and not necessarily the Component?  I am not sure where each of these is coming from. 

    2. When you do an unsuitable material by station, it should take the extents/limit of the design surface as the offset limits for the unsuitable material component.  The unsuitable material should run all the way across the design surface.

    3.  Are you referring to the closed shape for the unsuitable material?  If so, yes, it should be uncluded in the cut volume.  Does the normal cut line not represent this when you annotate the end area volumes?

    For more information about the Road and Site design tools, visit the Road and Site design WIKI at:

  • Chris,

    Either in my case or in Krzysztof's issue terrains listed in general leaf with name appended with 'surface template' are not in fact standalone terrain models but these are surface templates applied to terrein model limited with user defined boundary (tool from 3D geometry task). Surface templates have components which are listed in classification leaf. I d like to clasify these components as unsuitable material. Cut volume should be reduced by these components volume and in some situations unsuitable volume should be added to fill.

    In my workflow i add surface templates to terrain model and limit these templates with shapes as boundries. These are my areas where i have existing pavement or topsoil to be removed. Like an equiwalent of ubsuitable material by feature in inroads ss2.

    Unfortunately even if i classified thes components as unsuitable normal cut is not reduced and volumes are not added to fill where needed. In fact it looks that setting these components as unsuitable dont work. To get good volumes in reports i need to set them as MDC inclassification leaf. Reports are fine then, but cut areas on cross sections covers that components while it is not cut but unsuitable material.



    OpenRoads Designer 2023   |  OpenRail Designer 2023


  • Chris, please take a look on the sketch below. It's the ultimate result I'm looking for. As Adam wrote, in InRoads SS2 it was very easily achievable using Unsuitable Material by Feature. Can we get similar result in OpenRoads? If so, can I ask for any tips please?

    Thanks, Krzysztof

  • In both of your cases, I can see what the expected results are and I believe this is the process most users would follow to get results they are used to seeing with the program.  So I think this needs to be reviewed as a possible enhancement request to allow for the component type to control the cut volumes better so that the unsuitable material can be quantified better.

    Can you attach a DGN and we will go through the process and verify to make sure there is no other option at this time to get it working as you need?  then we can have a good dataset to supply with the enhancement request.

    For more information about the Road and Site design tools, visit the Road and Site design WIKI at:

  • Chris,

    Thanks for your assistance. I will prepare a dataset and send it to you. I guess it will take ma while. I can log a CR if desired.

    In anyway I will drop here a line when we sort that out. So anyone here can benefit from that.




    OpenRoads Designer 2023   |  OpenRail Designer 2023


  • Adam has this issue been resolved?  I believe I'm experiencing the same issue as what you and Krzysztof described.