OpenRoads Survey Macro (PointCellDisplay)

I see some older post regarding Survey Macro example and help but nothing recent since the SS3 refresh. There appears to be no help available for the object reference Bentley.Civil.Applications.Survey.COM. I do see an example MVBA in the Survey Tools folder.

Looking for a simple example for using cells for the survey points, for example a tree to be shown with a tree cell. I did not find any example of this in the survey.mvba file.

Any example available for placing cells at the points?

  • The simplest way to incorporate cells into your survey points is to define the cells in the Style Manager in native InRoads:

  • I currently have all the cells and levels defined in my XIN Styles for the survey Feature Styles. I see there is a use cell toggle and that does actually work for the point Symbology. We have always had that off due to the time issue with processing survey data. But even when I toggle the use cell toggle on and save the preference it does not use the XIN Survey Feature Style Symbology when importing survey data into OpenRoads Survey. All I get are small point graphics, they are on the proper Level according to the Survey Feature Style Symbology, and the cells are available but do not plot.
    We actually initially would always view survey data using the generic survey options setting simple view survey point Symbology and the point annotation as well as planimetric. The nice thing about the View Survey toggles is the text was dynamically displayed and scaled according to the view zoom. This was very useful when doing initial interrogations of survey data in the design file. This also helped prevent the larger data sets from bogging down the application when displaying survey, editing survey, etc. We would only turn on the custom operation (placing cell and point annotations according to our standard requirement) when getting ready to commit the survey data to graphics.

    Mike Longstreet
    Vermont Agency of Transportation
    Civil Engineering Technical Support
    VTCAD Help

  • If you change symbology in the Style Manager for survey points, you are required to re-link the survey feature definitions in Project Explorer for the changes to take effect. Could this by why you are not seeing your cells displayed when you import survey data?

  • I have deleted the survey feature definitions from the Civil Standards - Feature Definitions in the project explore and relinked as well as re import the survey data. Nothing seems to get the point cells to display.

    I also relinked the Survey Feature Definitions file in my survye.DGNLIB and still nothing.

    Mike Longstreet
    Vermont Agency of Transportation
    Civil Engineering Technical Support
    VTCAD Help

  • Would it be possible for me to obtain your data and take a look? This should be working - I just tested it with my data. I would need your DGN, DGNLIB, and XIN.