Target Aliasing variable notification

I have an end condition on my template that is targeting linear vertical "A".  I have the verticals in the same profile view as my mainline that is used to create the corridor.  I used the corridor target alias tool and switched to the "A" target and received the dialog box below...

I have tried to set this variable a couple different was, TARGET_ALIAS_ALLOW_ALL_LINEARS = 1, or = ALL, or = SHOW ALL but none of them seem to work as I still receive the dialog box after I set the variable (of course I am restarting MicroStation each time).  Can someone tell me what this variable can be set to? And what are the consequences if I do set it?  Meaning will the dialog be filled with all kinds of targets that I do not care to use.

This also brings another question to the table.  If the corridor already knows the parent alignment (horizontal/vertical) then why do the child verticals not already show in target aliasing dialog box?  I know that I can define the alignment as a corridor reference and the child verticals will display but that does not make sense if they are already childs to the parent alignment of the corridor?



MS V8i -, GEOPAK -