Using display rules to handle varying fore slopes based on the ditch width.

For example if the ditch depth is 6’ or less from the turf shoulder, then we use a 6:1 to the special ditch bottom. If it is between 6’ and 30’ from the turf shoulder we show a 6:1/4:1 to the ditch bottom. Anything deeper than that, it’s a 6:1/4:1/3:1.
I cant get the first two options to work with Display rules. I even tried to use a null point, have the profile tied to that point via point controls, and then set the display rule saying that if the NP is <=6, use the 6:1. It will only run the first rule when the ditch is 6’ or less. I have also added the rule to the other 6:1/4:1 components.